Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Pemerintah Perkuat Pertahanan Perbatasan RI-Malaysia

JAKARTA--MI: Pemerintah segera mengkaji penambahan perkuatan pertahanan di sepanjang perbatasan RI-Malaysia menyusul adanya sejumlah warga negara Indonesia yang direkrut pemerintah Malaysia untuk membantu mengamankan wilayah kedaulatan mereka di sepanjang perbatasan itu. "Solusinya tidak ada lain adalah menggelar dan menambah perkuatan pertahanan di sepanjang perbatasan baik oleh TNI, Polri maupun sipil," kata Menteri Pertahanan Juwono Sudarsono di Jakarta, Rabu (13/2). Ditemui usai menghadiri rapat panitia khusus tentang tanda-tanda kehormatan, Juwono mengatakan adanya sejumlah warga sipil Indonesia yang bergabung dengan laskar Wataniah merupakan hal yang wajar sebagai bagian dari kompensasi ekonomi. "Di sini berlaku hukum ekonomi, ketika mereka bisa membayar lebih maka akan banyak warga kita berpaling untuk membantu menjaga kedaulatan Malaysia di wilayah perbatasan," katanya. Karena itu, tambah Juwono, perkuatan pertahanan di perbatasan RI-Malaysia tidak saja merupakan masalah pertahanan tetapi juga masalah ekonomi, bagaimana masyarakat Indonesia di sepanjang perbatasan dapat hidup secara layak sehingga mereka tidak tergiur untuk bergabung dengan Malaysia. Jadi, katanya, dengan perkuatan pengerahan pertahanan yang efektif dan utuh dengan memberdayakan seluruh instansi baik Deplu, Depdagri, TNI dan Kejaksaan maka Indonesia akan mempunyai sisi tawar yang lebih kuat dalam mengamankan wilayah perbatasannya dengan negara lain. Juwono mengaku masalah perbatasan akan menjadi masalah jika disepanjang perbatasan tersebut terdapat sumber daya alam yang diperebutkan, misalnya Kelapa Sawit atau CPO yang banyak tersebar di sepanjang perbatasan RI-Malaysia. "Karena itu dalam waktu dekat pemerintah di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Polhukam akan segera melakukan kajian secara menyeluruh untuk menghadirkan perkuatan pertahanan yang efektif dan utuh sehingga Indonesia bisa menjaga dan mengamankan wilayah perbatasannya serta sumber daya alam yang ada di dalamnya," kata Juwono. Sementara itu ditempat terpisah, Panglima TNI Jenderal Djoko Santoso mengatakan pihaknya akan menugaskan Panglima Kodam VI Tandjung Pura untuk mencek kebenaran adanya warga Indonesia sipil yang direkrut menjadi anggota Laskar Wataniah Malaysia. "Setelah itu, baru kita akan ambil langkah," katanya usai menghadiri acara pelantikan dan pengambilan sumpah Wakil Ketua dan Ketua Muda Mahkamah Agung di Istana Negara, Rabu (13/2). (Ant/OL-2)

Pertamina COmpany

Prologue of 1871 - 1885 Period
(Preliminary Period of Oil exploration in Indonesia)

Indonesian oil industry and gas was started at the beginning of 19th century:

  • 12 years after initial drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania,US1859.
  • Reering 1871 - Zilker 1885 the oil searching and finding (initial drilling in 1883 in Telaga Tiga)

Prologue of 1885 - 1945 Period
(Masa Eksploitasi Minyak oleh Penjajah)

  • 1887 - Oil exploration in East Java (Surabaya).
  • 1888 - Concession of Sultan Kutai with JH Meeten in Sanga-Sanga.
  • 1890 - Establishment of refinery in Wonokromo & Cepu.
  • 1892 - Establishment of refinery in Pangkalan Berandan.
  • 1894 - Establishment of refinery in Balikpapan by Shell Transporting and Trading.
  • 1899 - Mining Law of Government of Netherlands (Indische Mijnwet) governing petroleum searching activity in Indonesia.

US and Netherland

  • US tried to come into Indonesia but the government of Netherlands prevented it. However, because of US pressure to Den Haag, finally US and Netherlands established joint ventures, namely SHELL and NIAM (Jambi, Bunyu and North Sumatera).
  • Standard Oil joined and was divided into Standard Oil of New Jersey (established American Petroleum Subsidiary Company) and Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij (NKPM).
  • NKPM discovered field of Talang Akar (Sumsel), the biggest field in the East Indies.
  • Established Sungai Gerong Refinery located across Kilang Plaju Refinery owned by Shell.
  • 1933 Standard Oil of New Jersey that acquired concession of Java and Madura merged its entire business into Standard Vacuum Petroleum Maatschappij (SVPM) in the form of joint venture. There was marketing division of Standard Oil of New York presently bearing the name of Mobil Oil. This merger status was changed into PT Standard Vacuum Petroleum (Stanvac) in 1947.
  • 1922 Standard Oil of California entered Kalimantan and Irian Jaya.
  • 1928 Gulf Oil (AS) entered North Sumatera.
  • 1929 Standard Oil of California entered North Sumatera. 1933 Standard Oil of New Jersey that acquired concession of Jawa and Madura merged its entire business into Standard Vacuum Petroleum Maatschappij (SVPM) in the form of joint venture. There was marketing division of Standard Oil of New York presently bearing the name of Mobil Oil.
  • The SPVM merger status was changed into PT Standard Vacuum Petroleum (Stanvac) in 1947.

In Japanese period, effort generally was made to rehabilitate the fields and wells damaged by razing or bombing.

Prologue of 1945-1957 Period
(Pre-Pertamina Oil Struggle Period)

  • During independence war, the oil searching activity wasstopped.
  • Pangkalan Brandan struggle, North Sumatera, and West Aceh.
  • Arisen "Laskar Minyak" supplying airplane and other vehiclenecessities.
  • The establishement of indigenous oil company:
    • 1945 PTMSU was established.

    • 1945 PTMN Cepu was established in ex SHELL location (Field of Nglobo, Semanggi Ledok and Wonokromo).

    • 1950 PTMN Cepu was changed into PTMNRI Cepu.

    • 1950 PTMN North Sumatera was changed into PTMRI North Sumatera.

    • 1954 PTMNRI North Sumatera was changed into TMSU.

    • July 22, 1957 TMSU was converted into PT ETMSU (exploitation).

  • August 1951 Mohammad Hasan Appeal.

    • Governor of Sumatera, Mr. Teuku H. Moh. Hasan, proposed an appeal struggling for oil mining and was completely supported by cabinet on August 2nd 1951 and then a committee was established.

    • Struggles in parliament, one of which was by preparing the Mining Law in lieu of the Indische Mijnwet.

  • October 24, 1956 Government Regulation No. 24/1956.

    • It was decided that the oil mining of North Sumatera was not returned to SHELL.


  • July 1957 Gen. AH. Nasution was assigned to rehabilitate the mining oil of North Sumatera and export outcome for purpose of development.
  • 1957 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia expropriated the entire business of Netherlands in Indonesia. (Except SHELL because of its international-wide ownership).
  • The Change of regionalism nuance into nationalism (AH Nasution, 1957).
  • December 10, 1957 PT Permina was established as the first national oil company.

Post 1957

  • 1959 the establishement of NV NIAM (NV Nederlands Indische Aardolie Maatschappij).
    • Joint venture of US and Netherlands.
    • December 31, 1959, 50% of the shares were expropriated by the government of the Republic of Indonesia and NV NIAM was changed into PT Permindo.
  • 1961 PT Permindo was confirmed to PN Permigan.

  • 1961: PT. PERMINA was changed into PN. PERMINA and then into PN. PERMIGAN.
  • January 4, 1966 Permigan was liquidated because of G30S/PKI (Perbum) Affair.
    • Assets of Permigan was handed over to PN Pertamin and PN Permina
  • 1968 PN Pertamin and PN Permina merged into PN Pertamina.
  • 1971 Law No. 8 of 1971 confirming PN Pertamina to Pertamina was enacted.
  • 2001 Petroleum and Natural Gas Law No 22 of 2001 was enacted. This introduced Pertamina to become PT Pertamina (Company).
  • 2003 Status of Pertamina was changed into PT Pertamina (Persero).
    • Fundamental change took place in regulator role which became player.
    • Due to the change on its legal status, Pertamina has been treated equacey as other players in oil & gas industries in Indonesia.

Company Period

  • Pertamina, a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), was changed into Company operating in field of energy, petrochemical and other business supporting the business of Pertamina, either domestically or internationally, which is market-mechanism oriented.
  • Paid-in-Capital of PT. Pertamina (Persero) :
    • PT. Pertamina (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) whose 100% of its share are owned by the State.
    • Paid Capital (State Investment /PMN) of PT. Pertamina (Company) on establishment was Rp. 100 trillion.
    • The said Rp. 100 trillion was secured from:

"All of State Assets invested to this present in Pertamina, covering Pertamina's Assets along with all of its Subsidiary Companies, including Fixed Assets that have been revaluated by Independent Assessor Company, reduced with all obligations (Debt) of Pertamina"

Malaysia Vs Bandung

Judulnya bikin geregetan...orang Malaysia pasti nggak terima negaranya yang besar, "hanya" dibandingkan dengan Bandung. Tapi, gpp...

Lewat tulisan ini sebenarnya saya ingin mengkritisi para pembuat artikel di koran koran indonesia, atau di TV TV kita, yang membandingkan pariwisata kita dengan pariwisata Malaysia. Keduanya tentu berbeda, jelas berbeda, misalnya :

1. Malaysia otomatis hanya memiliki dua Spot besar, yang semenanjung di barat, dan sabah dan serawak di timur. Indonesia?? Hitung sendiri deh, sampai pingsan lu.

2. Malaysia, berbagi perbatasan darat langsung dengan Thailand dan Singapore, meski dipisahkan laut, Singapore terhubung oleh 2 jembatan yang berjarak ....5 menit saja ke Malaysia. satu di Woodlands, satu di Tuas...Bayangkan, anda pergi dari Bekasi, ke Jakarta timur...sebegitu mudah dan cepatnya. Indonesia? kita berbagi dengan Timtim yang tidak mengirim turis tapi mengirim pengungsi, kita juga berbagi dengan PNG, yang mengirim pengemis dan penyelundup, bukan juga turis.

Jadi membandingkan Pariwisata Malaysia, dengan Indonesia, ibarat membandingkan daging ayam dengan es krim soda. Beda rasa, beda background, beda cara bikin, dan nggak bisa dibandingin.

15 juta turis asing yang datang ke malaysia tahun lalu, 67%-nya, atau lebih dari 10 juta turis datang dari .... Singapura (!!!), 13% dari Indonesia, sisanya dari Filipina, Thailand, Brunei, sedikit India, sedikit china, sedikit Jepang. Artinya apa? Dua buah jempatan penghubung Singapore dengan Malaysia, telah menjadi mesin uang bagi malaysia. Herannya, nggak banyak turis malaysia datang ke Singapore.

Dengan cara ngitung seperti itu, Bandung tentunya lebih hebat di banding Malaysia. Dalam seminggu Bandung diperkirakan dikunjungi oleh 250,000 orang dari Jakarta atau kota kota lain, atau 13,000,000 turis tiap tahun (!!!), artinya...kalau Bandung dan Jakarta adalah dua NEGARA BERBEDA, Republik Bandung adalah salah satu negara paling banyak dikunjungi wisatawan (asing). bener kan?

Pesan saya, jangan banding2kan Indonesia dengan Malaysia, bandingkanlah dengan Philippines, Australia, atau negara2 yang terpisah oleh laut dengan negara lain...dan dengan negara negara itu, kita lebih unggul. ! Lagian, dispariti turis turis asing lebih bervariasi, dari 43 negara negara yang, maaf...dalam hal ini, kita juga lebih unggul. Kalau mau, bikin jempatan Singapore-Batam, Singapore-Bintan, maka mungkin 25 juta turis akan datang ke kita .

Bali Paintings

The place synonymous with the traditional form of Balinese painting is the village of Kamasan, near Klungkung. Up until the beginning of this century, and in the service of the kings of Gelgel and Klungkung, it was only natural that the painters and illustrators, called 'Sangging', should settle in this one area. As it was not uncommon for ruling families from other parts of Bali to acquire the use of a Sangging to decorate their own palaces or temples, the Kamasan style of painting quickly spread throughout the whole of Bali.

Until the start of this century, the dominant form of painting was the portrayal of Hindu epics, on 'Langse' - large narratives painted either on broad, rectangular cloths or on 'Ider-ider', which were much narrower cloths about 30cm wide and several meters long. Langse were placed in temples as wall hangings, or used as curtains in the palaces. Ider-Ider were hung around the roofs of temples and shrines, and were used decoratively in the royal courts on festive occasions. The artists also painted on wooden boards which were placed between rafters as ceiling friezes. Aside from large representational paintings, the 'Sangging' were also expected to decorate everything from gourds, wooden altars, bamboo vessels, headboards for princely bed chambers and in particular to illustrate astrological wall hangings on bark paper or cloth. The style for which the artists of Kamasan are famous is based on the East Javanese 'Wayang' art. These were basically two-dimensional, iconographic representations following strict rules and guidelines as to how the characters should be portrayed. For example, a person's character and status can be seen from the colors used to portray them, his head dress, or even the direction in which he is facing. Noblemen always have had very refined faces, while coarse characters have large, bulging eyes and fangs. Today in Kamasan you can still find people who are dedicated to painting in the traditional 'Wayang' style. One of the most famous Kamasan artists is I Nyoman Mandra, who, aside from producing his own paintings and doing restoration work, started a school to try and keep the Wayang tradition alive.

It wasn't until the early 1900's, that Western influence reached Bali. The use of Asian symbols in the works of Paul Gauguin, Toulouse Lautrec and Camille Pissaro created a new trend for Asian-influenced art and European painters began to move to Bali. Ubud's fame for art can be traced to the arrival of German painter Walter Spies, and Dutch painter Rudolf Bonnet. Together with Indonesian artist Gede Agung Sukawati, they established the Pitamaha Group which encouraged Balinese artists to be more expressive and less tradition bound. Aside from the Kamasan school there is now a wider range of different styles.


Strongly Wayang based, this style involves hundreds of intricately painted representations of Balinese life, filling every available nook and cranny of the canvas. Batuan artists like I Wayan Bendi, Ni Wayan Warti and I Made Budi make much more of a statement about life in Bali with subject matter that includes everything from traditional village activities to camera-toting tourists and even surfers.

Earlier Batuan artists, Ida Bagus Made Togog and Ida Bagus Made Wija, dealt much more with the darker, supernatural side of life in Bali with people depicted as extremely vulnerable to the spirits and powers of nature.


Keliki art is very similar to the Old Batuan Style with the one exception being size; Keliki paintings measure 20 cm by 15 cm. They contain scenes of mythical and Ramayanic characters engaged in battle, good versus evil, on sinister backgrounds. Keliki artists also follow the tradition of the old Wayang artists in that they seldom sign their work.


Influenced by the Western use of perspective and everyday-life subject matter, the Ubud style is one of the most Expressionists of all the Balinese schools. Despite this, Ubud art still retains many traditional features, including attention to detail and very stylized characters.


From this village, on the outskirts of Ubud, a new style sprang up during the 60's. These paintings tend to be more realistic and less expressive than the Ubud style concentrating on just a few natural components like birds, insects, butterflies and plants.


Bali is part of the Republic of Indonesia. It is one of the country's 33 provinces with the provincial capital in Denpasar towards the south of the island. Bali is home to a population of over 3 million, the vast majority of which are Indonesia's small Hindu minority. Bali is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking and music.

Bali lies between Java in the West and Lombok in the East. The island is 153 km long and 112 km wide (95 by 69 miles) with a surface area of 5,633 km². It is famous for its beautiful landscape. A chain of six volcanoes, between 1,350 meters and 3,014 meters high, stretches from west to east. There are lush tropical forests, pristine crater lakes, fast flowing rivers and deep ravines and picturesque rice terraces and fertile vegetable and fruit gardens cover its alluvial plains.

The island is surrounded by coral reefs. The beaches in the south tend to have white sand while those in the north and west have black and grey volcanic sand. Bali has two active volcanoes. Mount Agung, Bali’s highest peak, rises to an impressive height of 3,142 m (10,308 feet). It last erupted in March 1963. An eruption around 30,000 years ago, from Mount Batur, Bali’s second active volcano was recoded as of one of the largest known volcanic events on Earth. The mountainous region covers Bali from its centre to the eastern side of the island. It is due to this terrain that the roads tend to follow the crests of the ridges across the mountains and the coast.

President Praises Asian Beach Games 2008

SANUR (10/26/08) - Indonesia is definitely the overall champion in Asian Beach Games 2008, but President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stated Indonesia still got much more to accomplish and that the victory is just a start of even harder competitions ahead. The message was expressed through a teleconference in the Press Conference Room, Inna Grand Bali on Saturday (25/10).

"On behalf of Indonesia, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and congratulation to all the athletes for their great achievement in this first ABG. Please use this success as a motivation to awake spirit and good will to reach greater heights. We will have to try our best in Sea Games 2011 event and improve our achievement in the Olympic games," the President said.

Furthermore the President reminded the athletes to stay focused for the next day’s competition and the closing as well, in order to keep the good image to all visitors so that they can bring home great impressions about Indonesia to come back again someday.

At the same time, Bali Asian Beach Games Organizing Committee (BABGOC) Director Rita Subowo reported to the President the results of the ABG on the eighth day. On her report Rita stated that 25 countries had won all the medals and Indonesia ranks first with 22 golds, eight silvers, and 18 bronzes. Meanwhile, Thailand stays second with nine gold.

Today, Sunday (26/10), she expects that the closing ceremony can run well and smoothly. "The ceremony will start at 8 pm, and I hope it runs well." Rita said in closing. (

INdonesia juara UMUm 1st Asia BEach GAmes di Bali

Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1. INA2382051
2. THA10171037
3. CHN610723
4. KOR471021
5. JPN3339
6. HKG3328
7. IND3025
8. VIE25310
9. MYA2305
10. MAS22610
11. PAK2237
12. TPE2237
13. SYR2002
14. KUW1203
15. KAZ1124
16. UAE1113
17. SIN1023
18. AFG1012
19. MGL1001
20. OMA1001
21. PHI02810
22. BRU0235
23. JOR0101
24. BAN0011
25. BRN0011
26. MAC0011
27. MDV0011


Bali nan INDAH


Bali's natural attractions include miles of sandy beaches, picturesque rice terraces, towering active volcanoes over 3,000 meters (10,000 ft.) high, fast flowing rivers, deep ravines, pristine crater lakes, sacred caves and lush tropical forests full of exotic wildlife.

The island's rich cultural heritage is visible everywhere - in over 20,000 temples and palaces, in the many colorful festivals and ceremonies (including tooth filings and cremations) and in its drama, music and dance.

Bali can be experienced in many different excursions; guided tours by coach, private car or "Big Bike", by boat or by air plane and helicopter. Seeing Bali's beaches and rice terraces, the famous Besakih Temple on the slopes of holy Mount Agung, Lake Batur and its active volcano and the temples of Tanah Lot and Ulu Watu from the air is a really spectacular experience.

Kintamani Volcano Tour:

The first stop is often in the village of Batubulan to watch a performance of the Barong and Kris Dance. Afterwards you visit the villages of Celuk (silver jewelry) and Mas (wood carving) to see Balinese artisans at work. Ubud, Bali's cultural center, has grown to a busy town with numerous Balinese art galleries and shops. A scenic drive over small roads overlooking beautiful rice terraces brings you to the mountain village of Kintamani (about 5,000 feet above the sea) which offers stunning views of Lake Batur and the volcano. You can then cross the crater-lake below the still active Mount Batur and visit the ‘Bali Aga’ village of Trunyan then return through traditional villages with stops in Tampaksiring to visit the temple of Tirta Empul and to visit the Elephant Cave "Goa Gajah", a hermitage from the 11th. century used by both Buddhists and Hindus.

The ‘Mother Temple’ and East Bali Tour:

Drive to Besakih through various villages visiting on the way a weaving factory, see the famous painted ceiling at the old "Palace of Justice" in Klungkung, and visit the school of painting in Kamasan. The "Mother Temple" in Besakih is Bali's most holy and Indonesia's biggest Hindu temple. It was built in the 11th century at an altitude of 1,000 meters (3,000 feet) on the slopes of Mount Agung. You pass picturesque rice terraces on the way to the walled ‘Bali Aga’ village of Tenganan and continue to Candi Dasa on the East coast. On the way back it's recommended to stop at the famous Bat Cave ‘Goa Lawah’ to see the thousands of bats hanging from the walls inside.

Bedugul Tour:

After a stop in Sangeh to visit its holy forest inhabited by wild monkeys, drive up into the mountains to Lake Beratan (1,200 meters above sea level) and the picturesque water temple Ulu Danu. Visit the busy flower, fruit and spice market in Candikuning and drive back through small country roads, villages and rice fields, with a stop in an artisan village specializing in gold threaded textiles (Ikat) worn during important ceremonies.

North Bali Tour:

Drive the scenic road via Pupuan through the mountains to Bali's North coast. You'll enjoy beautiful views of picturesque rice terraces and large plantations growing vanilla, chocolate, coffee, cloves and even grapes for Bali’s own wineries. Near the village of Banjar is a popular hot spring where you can take a bath in the natural pond. After a lunch on the black beach in Lovina you pass the old capital of Singaraja on the way to Git Git, famous for its multi-tier water fall. Return over back roads to see the unspoiled Bali. (This tour can be combined with the visit to Bedugul.)

Monkey Forest & Tanah Lot Tour:

Visit the royal Taman Ayun temple in Mengwi (built in 1624), the holy monkey forest near Sangeh, and famous Tanah Lot at sunset. This picturesque Balinese temple was built in the 16th century on a huge rock 100 yards off of Bali's west coast is surrounded by the sea during high tide.

Handicraft Villages & Ubud Tour:

Visit the artisan villages of Batubulan (stone carving), Celuk (silver & gold jewelry), Mas (wood carving), and Pengosekan (painting). Stop at the "Bali Art Market" in Sukawati to bargain for all kinds of handicrafts and textiles.
Since the 1930s, Ubud has been known around the world as Bali's cultural center. Today Ubud is a fast growing town with numerous art galleries and shops offering paintings, wood carvings and textiles. Don't miss the MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN in the center of Ubud, the NEKA MUSEUM in Campuhan, the NEKA GALLERY in Ubud, the AGUNG RAI GALLERY in Peliatan, and the AGUNG RAI MUSEUM in Pengosekan to see the difference between creative art and more commercial products. A visit to the SENIWATI GALLERY - ART BY WOMEN, founded in 1991 by Mary Northmore (the very personable wife of famous painter Abdul Azis) to help Balinese women to be accepted as artists, is a must. This gallery highlights the long understated brilliance of independent women artists’ resident in Bali and motivates, trains, and encourages young Balinese girls with creative talents.

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Polri Kirim 140 Personel ke Sudan

Polri Kirim 140 Personel ke Sudan

Jakarta - Mabes Polri akan mengirim 140 personel ke Sudan. Pasukan Pasukan Garuda Bhayangkara Formed Police Unit (FPU) Indonesia I ini akan bergabung dengan pasukan dari negara lain.

"140 Personel Polri akan bergabung dengan 19.555 personel Uni Afrika dan 3.772
FPU dari negara lain," kata Wakapolri Komjen Pol Makbul Padmanegara dalam
pidatonya yang mewakili Kapolri di Markas Brimob Kelapa Dua, Cimanggis, Kamis

Makbul mengatakan secara universal keberadaan Polri adalah untuk to
serve and to protect
sehingga penerapan petugas kepolisian harus

Jenderal bintang tiga ini juga menyampaikan enam pesan Kapolri bagi para
pasukan yang akan diberangkatkan ke Darfur Sudan, pertama, laksanakan misi dengan sebaik-baiknya dan gunakan tata cara pergaulan internasional. Kedua, pedomani tribrata dengan catur prasetya dalam pergaulan internasional. Ketiga, penugasan ini merupakan amanah masyarakat internasional.

Selanjutnya, keempat, implementasikan teknik dan taktik selama pelatihan
dalam operasi. Kelima, jaga kesehatan selama menjalani misi. Keenam, pelihara
kekompakan antar personel dan jalin hubugan baik dengan satuan dari negara

Makbul berharap pasukan ini dapat kembali dengan selamat pada tahun depan.
"Dalam bulan oktober 2009 yang akan datang, semoga dapat kembali dengan baik dan selamat dalam menjalankan tugas," tandas Makbul.

Sementara itu Deputi Operasi Kapolri Irjenpol Rubani Pranoto menambahkan,
pasukan Indonesia mudah diterima di Sudan dibandingkan dengan pasukan dari
negara lain.

"Kita memiliki nilai budaya historis dengan masyarakat Sudan sehingga bisa
diterima yang lain belum tentu," ucap Rubani usai acara pelepasan pasukan
Garuda Bhayangkara.

Menurut Rubani, Polri merencanakan akan kembali mengirim 140 personel pasukan ke Sudan untuk yang kedua. "Ini baru yang pertama. Yang kedua, kalau pelatihannya sudah selesai nanti akhir Desember akan diberangkatkan. Jumlahnya juga 140 personel," kata Rubani.(ddt/aan)

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2008



Kapten Ganahadi Ratnuatmadja
Gadaffi pernah suguhkan kopi untuk kru, termasuk Ganahadi
Tidak banyak penerbang asing dipercaya untuk menjadi pilot pesawat kepala negara lain.

Ganahadi Ratnuatmadja, warga Indonesia, termasuk salah satu dari sedikit orang yang mendapat kepercayaan untuk menjadi pilot pesawat kenegaraan lain.

Sejak tahun 2004, Kapten Ganahadi Ratnuatmadja menerbangkan pesawat kepresiden Libya yang membawa pemimpin negara itu, Muammar Gadaffi, pejabat-pejabat penting serta keluarga Gadaffi sendiri.

"Sampai saat ini pun saya sendiri tetap belum tahu secara pasti alasan apa saya dipercaya dan ditugaskan oleh Muammar Gaddafi sebagai penerbang beliau di Libya karena belum pernah terjadi selama ini di Libya ada salah satu penerbang kepresidenan itu orang asing," kata Kapten Ganahadi Ratnuatmadja dalam acara Tokoh BBC Siaran Indonesia, Hari Minggu, 28 Oktober 2007.

Kapten Ratnuatmadja yang kelahiran Cimahi, Jawa Barat tahun 1954 itu menghabiskan sebagian besar hidupnya menjelajah angkasa mulai dengan pesawat DC-10 hingga pesawat jet modern.

Pilot di Negeri Orang
Kapten Ganahadi Ratnuatmadja
Sampai saat ini pun saya sendiri tetap belum tahu secara pasti alasan apa saya dipercaya dan ditugaskan oleh Muammar Gaddafi sebagai penerbang beliau
Ganahadi Ratnuatmadja

Lulus pendidikan penerbang Garuda Indonesia-Sotramat Flying School, Belgia tahun 1974, dia langsung bekerja di Garuda Indonesia sebagai kapten penerbang untuk pesawat DC-10.

Setelah 15 tahun bekerja di maskapai penerbangan nasional Indonesia, Ganahadi memutuskan hijrah ke Saudi Arabian Airlines sebagai kapten penerbang A300-600 hingga tahun 1994.

Sebagian besar karir Kapten Ganahadi dilalui di kawasan Teluk termasuk di Kuwait Airways dan di Royal Flight of Kuwait sebagai penerbang pesawat kerajaan.

Di juga pernah bekerja untuk pesawat kerajaan Abu Dhabi. Sebelum pindah ke Libya, Ganahadi bekerja untuk maskapai penerbangan Qatar Airways serta Qatar Amiri Flight, pesawat kerajaan Qatar.

Menurut Kapten Ganahadi, dia bermula berkenalan dengan Muammar Gaddafi saat mengantarkan pemimpin Libya tersebut pulang dari Uni Emirat dengan pesawat kerajaan.

Di Libya, dia terdaftar sebagai salah satu dari tiga penerbang utama untuk pesawat kepresidenan Libya dengan bendera maskapai Afriqiyah Airways, milik pemerintah Libya.

Afriqiyah adalah kata dalam bahasa Arab untuk menyebut benua Afrika. Maskapai ini berbasis di Tripoli, ibukota Libya.

Tanggapan pendengar

Wawancara Tokoh ini mengundang tanggapan pendengar dari berbagai daerah. Namun karena keterbatasan ruang, BBC tidak bisa memuat semua komentar yang masuk.

Yurisanto Sutoyo SH, Jakarta:

" Saya tertarik dengan karier Kapten Ganahadi, sungguh membanggakan ditengah kerinduan kita akan sosok pemimpin negeri ini yang mumpuni".

Rosyidi:(yang tidak mencantumkan asal kota)
"Saya bangga dengan Bapak Ganahadi, karena Indonesia selama ini hanya di lihat dari sisi negatifnya saja dan ternyata ada juga putra terbaik negeri ini yang di percaya oleh negara lain tanpa kolusi dan nepotisme seperti di dalam negeri sendiri".

Maristiyawan Eko, Lampung:
"Jatidiri bangsa Indonesia sebenarnya adalah konsistensi dan komitmen untuk menjunjung tinggi integritas. Contohnya ya putra Indonesia yang dipercaya menjadi pilot Presiden Khadaffi".

Akhmad, Pangkalpinang:
" Bangga juga melihat orang Indonesia (Kapten Ganahadi),dipercaya menjadi driver pesawat kenegaraan Libya. Paling tidak bisa menjawab keraguan masyarakat internasional tentang keadaan carut-marut kondisi penerbangan Indonesia".